LITHUANIA! In our kindergarden 52 (from 100) parents answered this!
Questionnaire for parents
Dear parents,
This questionnaire is to be filled up anonymously and its main goal is feedback on our work. There are no wrong or right answers. Please spare this a few minutes to answer our questions. Your input is greatly appreciated.
1. Did you know your kindergarten is an active participant in a number of national and international projects?
a) yes 45 b) no 1 c) not sure 6
2. In case you circled “yes”, did you know what sort of project is to be launched this school year? (you may provide more than one answer)
35 answered “Comenius”
9 answered eTwinning
10 don’t know
3. Do you consider Partnership projects with other countries to be of any use?
a) absolutely not
b) yes, for children 6
c) yes, for children and their teachers 35
d) yes, for children, parents, and teachers 34
e) could be useful 16
f) still undecided 1
4. If you consider our projects to be of any value, that might be: (optionally select more than a single answer)
a) essential in teaching tolerance and other values; 12
b) essential in the development of various skills for children; 33
c) an enhancement of teachers' professional skills; 14
d) a path to communicate our kindergarten's goals to the local community; 25
e) a means to invest in the kindergarten's prestige; 16
f) other: …...........................................
5. Would you be willing to participate in some of our projects?
a) yes 19 b) no 13 c) it depends on the project 20
Kindly add your comments below:
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