Samstag, 15. Februar 2014

SO    NICE    TO    HAVE   F R I E N D S!

          Once upon a time there was this little boy; his name was Florin. He was very upset because none of his friends would play with him anymore. He broke their toys and he forgot how to say “the magic words”.              
  “I guess nothing important”, he thought.
       His mother brought him a present; it was a book with lots of tales. It was really beautiful and it had a lot of characters. Every night, his mother read him one story until all the stories from the book ended. Then, he understood why his colleagues  were upset and didn’t want him as a friend.

He went at the kindergarten and he apologized to his friends, then he asked them to fix together the toys that were broken. His friend forgave him, they played together and they were really happy that they became friends again.
     Florin told them about the stories and the characters that he met in the book: Ivan, Goldie, Frog King, Findus, Matoleck, Egle, Kalev and the old man’s daughter. To his surprise all of his friends have already known these characters and they were even friends with them.

      The children brought into the classroom the characters from the European stories and together they played until their parents came to pick them up. Everybody said “Goodbye” when they left.

                                        It was a beautiful day and Florin realized that having friends is a great thing.


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