Dienstag, 29. Januar 2013

           The Old man’s  daughter  and 

       the  King Frog  
  Fata Mosului si Regele Broscoi
 A fost odata ca niciodata o fata care locuia impreuna cu tatal sau intr-o casa mare unde avea o curte plina de animale de tot felul.
                     Once upon a time there was a girl who lived with her father in a big house with a big yard and a farm full of all kind of animals.

Intr-o zi, fata mosului a fost sa isi viziteze prietenii: catelusua ce o ingrijise care era sanatoasă,  parul plin de pere gustoase si aurii,  cuptorul plin cu placinte rumenite si pe fantana plina cu apa limpede si rece.
                      One day, the old man’s daughter went to visit her old friends; the dog which was healthy, the pear tree which was full of golden pears, the oven which had fresh baked pies and the fountain which was full of cold and fresh water.

Fata mosului a luat de pe fantana un paharel de argint, dar cand sa bea apa din fantana paharul a cazut din mana fetei in fantana adanca.Fata mosului a fost foarte suparata ca a pierdut unul din paharelele de argint. Deodata a auzit o voce:
                  The old man’s daughter took a silver cup from the top of the fountain but when she tried to take some water the cup fell into the deep fountain. The old man’s daughter was so upset because she had lost one of the silver cups. Suddenly she heard a voice:

“Fata frumoasa, de ce esti suparata?” Cand si-a ridicat privirea a vazut ca acolo era un broscoi.
“ Vai draga broscoiule, mi-a cazut un paharel de argint la care tin foarte mult in fantana si nu stiu cum am sa il recuperez.”

“Beautiful girl why are you so upset?”
When she looked up she saw that there was a frog looking at her.
“Oh, my dear frog, one of my silver cups fell into the fountain and I don’t know how to get it back.”

“Daca  imi vei promite ca imi vei fi prietena, te voi ajuta eu.”
Fata mosului, fiind prietena cu toata lumea fu de acord cu propunerea broscoiului.
Broscoiul a sarit repede in fantana si i-a adus fetei paharul de argint.
Fata mosului i-a multumit broscoiului, i-a oferit placinte calde, pere si apă rece din fântână.

 “Well, said the frog, if you  promise me that you will be my friend, I will help you.”
The old man’s daughter who was very friendly and kind promised the frog to be his friend.
The frog jumped into the fountain and brought the girl her silver cup.
 The girl   thanked the frog,   gave him hot pies, pears and cold water. 
Tu unde stai, îl intrebă fata moşului.
“Eu stau departe in Austria si am pornit prin lume sa-mi caut un prieten adevarat care sa vrea sa se joace şi cu mine.”
“Acum esti prietenul meu!”

“Where do you live?” asks the girl.

„I live far away in Austria and I travel in the world to look for true friend who wants to play with me.”

„A, you are my friend,


Acesta i-a povestit fetei cum o vrajitoare rea l-a fermecat şi l-a transformat dintr-un prinţ în broască si numai daca gasea o fata cu suflet bun care sa ii devina prietena vraja se putea rupe, transformandu-se inapoi in print.
Si de atunci ei au devenit cei mai buni prieteni  şi  se vizitează în ţările lor. Acum Broscuţa se află în Romania spunându-şi povestea.

The frog told the girl how a bad witch put a spell on him and from a prince he was charmed into a frog.

And because the girl kept her promise and became the frog’s friend, the spell could be broken anytime turning the frog into the handsome prince.

And since then they’ve become the best friends ever and they visit in their countries. Now the frog is in Romania telling his story.

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